The Rooms: Pre School
If you want adventure and activity this is the place to be!
Staffing Ratio: 1:8
Age Range: 2 1/2 - 4 years
Up to 27 children aged 2 1/2 to 4 1/2 means that these are quite adventurous sessions. Throughout the day we have a structured routine which changes each day.
Free play twice a day has a range of activities available such as sand and water play, messy play with sticking, painting, clay and gooey cornflower and even playing with shredded paper!
Morning and afternoon snack follows the same routine as the Toddler Room. Talk time over topics such as days of the week, months of the year, counting, numbers and opposites also happen twice a day.
When the weather permits we go outside twice a day to play in the cars and trikes, slides, castles and all the other adventurous toys, including the boat in the garden. When the weather gets better whole morning or afternoon routines take place in the garden, including snacks and mealtimes.
Story sessions three times a day and special activities including maths concepts, computer work, music, singing writing, phonics and French after lunch every day help to keep the children busy and all these topics lead into the Early Learning Goals and Stepping stones quite nicely and the children enjoy it.
Lunch time is a time when the children help with setting tables and serving themselves, fetching cutlery and cups and pouring their own drinks. This helps the children to learn even more social skills and gain independence.
No two days are ever the same other than the fact that they are all noisy, busy and fun!