In August 2016 OfSTED inspected Smisby Day Nursery and Smizkids and had the following to say about us:
Our good points
The nursery is a place where children can explore and find out about the world through a variety of interesting and fun activities. Children feel secure and valued by the staff. As a result, children have strong attachments to their key workers and thrive in the caring atmosphere.
Parents are positive about their children's nursery. Parents say their children are happy and well cared for and make good progress in learning.
The nursery leaders and staff team are passionate about providing a safe, nurturing and enjoyable learning environment. Children are relaxed and happy. Children play well together and share their learning with each other and the adults who care for them.
Children enjoy the wide variety of opportunities to 'get messy'. Whether this is outside in the water or in the baby room covered in cornflour paste and paint. Chances to explore and 'find out' abound in the nursery. Children are confident and unafraid to experiment and learn as a result. Children enjoy playing and exploring the wide range of stimulating play resources both indoors and outside.
In August 2015 OfSTED inspected Smisby Day Nursery and had the following to say about us:
Our good points
Children enjoy playing and exploring the wide range of stimulating play resources both indoors and outside.
Staff are strongly focused on keeping children safe and protecting their welfare. Children are settled and enjoy attending this friendly and relaxed nursery.
Leaders, managers and staff are motivated and demonstrate a strong commitment to developing their practice and the experiences provided for children. They work very well with parents, carers and other agencies to understand and meet children's needs appropriately.Children are making good progress in their learning and development because they enjoy their time in the nursery and staff recognise their interests and individuality.
Improve the quality of teaching to ensure staff consistently challenge all children to make good progress in their communication and language development.
Use the information from observation and assessment to plan challenging activities that help all children make good progress in all areas of their learning and development.
Improve the sharing of information so that all staff are well informed of the decisions made by the key person, about how to promote individual children's learning.
In September 2015 OfSTED inspected Smiz Kids 511 and said the following:
Our good points
Effective arrangements are in place to promote children's well-being. Children receive good levels of support to settle and become familiar with routines, staff and other children.
Children say they enjoy the wide range of activities they take part in. They particularly like playing outdoors and being active. Staff make good use of local amenities to provide a wide range of outdoor play opportunities.
Children benefit from eating freshly prepared, healthy and nutritious meals after school. They enjoy sitting together to eat and talk about their day at school.
The providers demonstrate a strong commitment to continually improving the experiences provided for children. For example, they have taken children's interests and needs into account when designing their new premises.
Enhance opportunities for children to make more decisions for themselves about the routines of the day and organisation of the setting.
Improve the arrangement for the exchange of information with schools that children attend and ensure children benefit from continuity between their experiences at school and in the setting.
In November 2011 OfSTED inspected Smisby Day Nursery and had the following to say about us:
Our good points
Children are making good progress in their learning and development because they enjoy their time in the nursery and staff recognise their interests and individuality.
Policies, procedures and parental permissions are clear to support good practice. Systems to monitor and evaluate the service are good which provides a secure basis for continual improvement and better outcomes for children.
Procedures for safeguarding children in the setting are effective. There is a good range of procedures and parental permissions to ensure children are safeguarded. All staff are aware of their personal responsibility to identify and minimise hazards to keep children safe.
Staff foster good relationships with parents, carers and extended family. Information is shared with parents through a number of effective ways. For example, parent notice boards, regular news updates and a webpage.
Practitioners work well with other professionals to support the inclusion of children with special educational needs and/or disabilities. For example, there are effective relationships fostered with the local authority special needs coordinator and local nursery school teachers.
Staff work well together as a team and are keen to implement ideas, such as a new assessment tool to assist them to help children to make as much progress as possible towards the early learning goals. This demonstrates a professional outlook concerning continual improvement.
Staff are skilful in identifying children's particular interests and plan and organise a range of meaningful and fun activities for all children in the setting.
Older children are well behaved and are consistently praised for good behaviour and gently reminded when their behaviour is not acceptable. This helps them consider how their behaviour affects others.
Develop observations further to consistently make links to the 'Development matters' prompts to plan the next steps in a child's developmental progress.
Increase further the opportunities for children to be outside on a daily basis.
In November 2011 OfSTED inspected Smiz Kids 511 and said the following:
Our good points
Smiz Kids 511 ensures strong relationships are fostered between caring staff and happy children in a welcoming and child friendly environment.
Staff are dedicated, caring and offer an inclusive and welcoming service where the uniqueness of each child is valued.
Children engage in a wide range of enjoyable and challenging activities that support their individual interests and learning needs.
The setting uses very effective methods to gauge the valued opinions of staff, parents and children, ensuring they are listened to and acted upon.
The excellent quality of the equipment and staff's proactive approach to the local community ensures the sustainability of the setting.
Everyone feels welcome in the setting and parents are encouraged to share their knowledge of cultures, festivals and skills. They are willing to share their appreciation of the setting. They feel that staff are 'perfectly approachable' and the setting is 'amazing'.
Children enjoy healthy and nutritious, seasonal snacks, such as sandwiches, pasta, jacket potatoes and fruit. Their independence is supported as they choose what they would like to eat and pour their own drinks skilfully.
Children are encouraged to develop habits consistent of excellent learners as they share resources, take turns and listen to each other. They clearly recognise their own needs and those of their peers as staff have very effective and consistent systems for managing children's behaviour.
In February 2008 OfSTED inspected Smisby Day Nursery and had the following to say about us:
Our good points
All of the children are encouraged towards an understanding of a healthy lifestyle because they are provided with freshly prepared nutritious meals, have good access to physical play and daily opportunities for fresh air.
The whole premises is very welcoming to the children and their families, with bright visual displays throughout.
Children develop confidence and self-esteem as they are encouraged towards increasing independence in accordance with their stage of development.
Children’s progress and development is well supported because staff observe and record their achievements regularly using a common system throughout the nursery, linked to aspects of the framework which make it possible for staff to see what each child's next steps need to be.
Children benefit because staff working with them have a variety of qualifications and experience, with all having sound knowledge of the curriculum and a understanding of how children learn.
The children are obviously happy to be at nursery and are keen to play and learn; they welcome each other on arrival, are responsible for taking their coats off and confident as they move about the premises.
All children develop their individuality and self-esteem as they are given choices over activities, have opportunities for self-selection and get respect for their ideas and opinions from the staff and other children.
Children's positive behaviour is promoted as a result of staff’s implementation of effective strategies such as encouraging them to have good manners, be polite, share and interact well with their peers.
Make sure children are unable to access the drains in the outdoor play area.
Ensure that the evaluation of activities links into the declared learning intentions, considering if the children have achieved them.
In February 2008 OfSTED inspected Smiz Kids 511 and said the following:
Our good points
A substantial range of equipment and play resources are readily accessible to children. Innovative planning provides them with exciting opportunities to make active choices about their play and promote their natural curiosity. Free-flow play, where children decide to play indoors or outdoors further promotes their opportunity to direct their own play. Excellently presented and supported activities provide appropriate levels of challenge to build their confidence and self-esteem.
Children are highly motivated and make use of the appealing activities to learn and extend their knowledge but also to have fun in the relaxed yet productive environment. Children engage cooperatively as they enjoy creative activities.
A clear and concise written policy works effectively in practice to promote equal opportunities for all children. They are clearly valued for their individual contribution as they develop excellent relationships with peers and staff.
Children's behaviour is exemplary. A strong emphasis is placed on promoting positive behaviour and successful methods are adapted effectively to meet the ages and developmental stages of all children. Children listen intently to staff and respond positively to a consistent use of praise and encouragement. Children receive warm cuddles and affection and build trusting relationships which contributes to their sense of belonging. Children make active decisions about their play, making choices as they develop their confidence and self-esteem. They develop an acute awareness of the needs of others as they help each other and learn to share and take turns. They play confidently alone and socially and ask for appropriate help if required.
The setting is held in high esteem by parents who express their total satisfaction in the care their children receive.
If you would like to see the full OfSTED report for either setting please ask any senior member of staff for a copy or follow the links below to the OfSTED website:
Smisby Day Nursery reports in full :
Smiz kids 511 reports in full