Welcome to Smisbydaynursery and Smizkids511
We hope the information on this website will be useful to you when making one of the most important decisions on the care of your child. After reading the information on these pages please call us to make an appointment to see the Nursery in action and appreciate our peaceful surroundings. Alternatively you can call in anytime unannounced to see the nursery, but please bear in mind we may not have a free member of staff to show you around the whole nursery at busy times.
"The nursery is a place where children can explore and find out about the world through a variety of interesting and fun activities. Children feel secure and valued by the staff. As a result, children have strong attachments to their key workers and thrive in the caring atmosphere.
Parents are positive about their children's nursery. Parents say their children are happy and well cared for and make good progress in learning.
The nursery leaders and staff team are passionate about providing a safe, nurturing and enjoyable learning environment. Children are relaxed and happy. Children play well together and share their learning with each other and the adults who care for them.
Children enjoy the wide variety of opportunities to 'get messy'. Whether this is outside in the water or in the baby room covered in cornflour paste and paint. Chances to explore and 'find out' abound in the nursery. Children are confident and unafraid to experiment and learn as a result. Children enjoy playing and exploring the wide range of stimulating play resources both indoors and outside.." OfSTED - August 2016
"Staff have good relationships with parents to secure knowledge of children's individual routine needs. Policies, procedures and parental permissions are clear to support good practice. Systems to monitor and evaluate the service are good which provides a secure basis for continual improvement and better outcomes for children." OfSTED - November 2011
"All children develop their individuality and self-esteem as they are given choices over activities, have opportunities for self-selection and get respect for their ideas and opinions from the staff and other children." OfSTED - February 2008
"Smiz Kids 511 ensures strong relationships are fostered between caring staff and happy children in a welcoming and child friendly environment. Staff are dedicated, caring and offer an inclusive and welcoming service where the uniqueness of each child is valued. Children engage in a wide range of enjoyable and challenging activities that support their individual interests and learning needs. Highly effective partnerships with parents and other agencies are established, ensuring children's individual needs are fully supported. The setting gives upmost priority to commitment and positive attitude to the sustained and continuous improvement of the setting.”
OfSTED - November 2011
"Children's behaviour is exemplary. A strong emphasis is placed on promoting positive behaviour and successful methods are adapted effectively to meet the ages and developmental stages of all children. Children listen intently to staff and respond positively to a consistent use of praise and encouragement. Children receive warm cuddles and affection and build trusting relationships which contributes to their sense of belonging. Children make active decisions about their play, making choices as they develop their confidence and self-esteem. They develop an acute awareness of the needs of others as they help each other and learn to share and take turns. They play confidently alone and socially and ask for appropriate help if required" OfSTED - February 2008